Completed Development Projects

List of Completed development projects:

Feasibility Study for health sector engagement through exchange between Bangladesh, India, and Cambodia

Name of Donor: NOREC
Area of Implementation: Bhaluka, Mymensingh
Duration: September 2019 to July 2020

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)

Name of Donor: WFP/DWA
Area of Implementation: Fulbaria, and Muktagacha Upazila of Mymensingh District; Kapatia Upazila of Gazipur and Monohordi Upazila of Narsigndi district.
Duration: 2015-16, 2017-18, 2019-20, 2021-22 cycle.

DRL activities (win with peace)

Name of Donor: Democracy International (DI)
Area of Implementation: Netrokona and Narsigndi districts
Duration: October 2018 to April 2019

Capacity building of organizations through exchange of primary health care approach

Name of Donor: FK Norway
Area of Implementation: Mymensingh
Duration: April 2016 to August 2019

Feasibility Study for health sector engagement through exchange between Bangladesh, and Nepal

Name of Donor: FK Norway
Area of Implementation: Mymensingh District of Bangladesh and Citwan district of Nepal.
Duration: August 2015 to July 2016

Basic Literacy Project

Name of Donor: GoB-BNFE
Area of Implementation: Trisal Upazila of Mymensingh District.
Duration: July 2019 to June 2022

Cereal System Initiatives for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-BD)

Name of Donor: USAID/ CIMMYT
Area of Implementation: Mymensingh
Duration: October 2012 to September 2013

Community-based microenterprise development & enhancing skills for better utilization of migrants’ remittance

Name of Donor: DFID
Area of Implementation: Tangail, Gazipur and Mymensingh District
Duration: April 2009 to December 2010

Providing Value-added information services on vegetable-focused cropping practice to farmers

Name of Donor: KATALYST/EDGE
Area of Implementation: 10 Upazilas of Gazipur, Tangail and Mymensingh districts
Duration: September 2015 to August 2016

Action Research on Safe Water Supply, Sanitation and Biogas technology for rural livelihood Improvement in Climate Victim People of Bangladesh

Name of Donor: GOB/RDA
Area of Implementation: Jamalpur
Duration: 2012-2022

Non-Formal Primary Education Program (NFPE)

Name of Donor: BRAC
Area of Implementation: Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh District
Duration: January 2006-December 2011

Nursery development project

Name of Donor: NPL/Own fund
Area of Implementation: Trisal and Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district
Duration: 1993 to 2002

Year-Round Fruit Production and Introduction of Fruit Varieties

Name of Donor: Winrock International
Area of Implementation: Trisal and Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district
Duration: 2000-2001

Forestry Sector Project

Name of Donor: UNDP/FD
Area of Implementation: Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district
Duration: 2001-05

Promotion of integrated homestead production system for sustainable livelihoods of poor people

Name of Donor: ASRIF-DAE- GOB
Area of Implementation: Bhaluka, Bangladesh
Duration: May 2001 to April 2003

Value Chain Development Project

Name of Donor: IDA/PKSF
Area of Implementation: Trisal and Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district
Duration: 2002-03

Soybean Seed Production and Distribution

Name of Donor: NAPL
Area of Implementation: Mymensingh district
Duration: 1996-98

Financial Service for the poorest

Name of Donor: WB/PKSF
Area of Implementation: Mymensingh district
Duration: July 2002 to December 2005

Right Based Advocacy Project

Name of Donor: Organization own fund
Area of Implementation: Mymensingh, Tangail, Jamalpur, Netrokona and Gazipur district
Duration: 2010-2013

Quality seed production and distribution (QSPD)

Name of Donor: NAPL
Area of Implementation: Mymensingh, Tangail and Gazipur district
Duration: 1993-1996

Agricultural Technology Transfer Through GO/NGO/Private Organization Partnership Project (ATTP)

Name of Donor: Winrock International
Area of Implementation: Three Unions of Bhaluka and Trishal Thanas of Mymensingh District
Duration: 2000-2001

Gender equality through protecting domestics gender- based violence

Name of Donor: BRAC
Area of Implementation: Bhaluka, Trisal and Fulbaria, Mymensingh
Duration: 2004-2007

Awareness building Programme on election

Name of Donor: PROSIKA
Area of Implementation: Bhaluka, Trishal under Mymensingh
Duration: 2007-2008

Feasibility Study for health sector engagement through exchange between Bangladesh, India, and Cambodia


Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC)


October 2019 to April 2020


Mymensingh District. 

Goals and

The purpose of the project is to conduct a feasibility study to assess the partner organization’s capacity to engage in the health-related project between Bangladesh, India, and Cambodia.

Brief description

The project allows coordinating partners to physically visit partner organizations located in India and Cambodia to assess their capacity and commitments to participate in the international exchange project on health and nutrition.  It creates opportunities for each participating organization for mutual learning to boost up organizational service delivery capacity considering the benefits of respective target communities. The organizations located in 3 different countries come together to adopt a health and nutrition improving project in the 3 different contexts. Also, all three partners jointly develop the project application incorporating each learning and experiences.


  • Each organization representative has participated in the introduction seminar arranged by Norec.
  • One partner meeting conducted in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • One partner meeting conducted in Indore (MP), India
  • Prepared and submitted feasibility study activity and financial reports.


Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)




2015-16, 2017-18, 2019-20, 2021-22 cycle.


Fulbaria, and Muktagacha Upazila of Mymensingh District; Kapatia Upazila of Gazipur and Monohordi Upazila of Narsigndi district.

Goals and

The goal of this project is to the socio-economic development of VGD beneficiaries. However, the specific objectives are to provide IGAs and life skills development training and ensure access to credit and savings for improving their living quality. 

Brief description

The organization has been implementing the “Vulnerable Group Development Project” since 2015 continuously with the funding support of GOB-DWA/WFP. The VGD program is a program of the Bangladesh Government that aims to assist exclusively in ultra-poor households. A total of 7500 ultra-poor women were direct beneficiaries of the project. Under the VGD program, participants are receiving a monthly food ration (30kg rice or wheat) and development support service including life skill and income-generating skills training, savings, and access to credit.


The output of the project is around 7500 vulnerable women revived life skills training on 8 selected modules and approximately 10% of women engaged in income generation activities with the capital support of the organization. Also, 90% of vulnerable women are able to improve their living quality.


DRL activities (Win with Peace)


Democracy International (DI)/USAID


October 2018 to April 2019


All Upazilas of Netrokona and Narsigndi District

Goals and

The purpose of the project was to reduce electoral violence during the national election to ensure win with peace by mobilizing political parties and candidates, stakeholders, local administration, law enforcement agencies, and community.

Brief description

The project mobilizes voters, candidates, political parties, local administration, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to ensure an electoral violence-free peaceful election. We build awareness among stakeholders on election law, the responsibility of voters and candidates to conduct a peaceful election etc. through the workshop, seminar, town hall meeting, rally, peace festival, etc. Through the activity, all party representatives, candidates sit together and make their commitments on violence free peaceful elections. After the polling day, it tried to restore community harmony and build awareness among stakeholders on curbing corruption in the government machineries. 


  • 2 district level inception workshops conducted.
  • 16 Upazila level voter candidate dialogue work conducted. 
  • 16 peace rallies arranged at Upazila level.
  • 16 Peace festival arranged and implemented. 
  • 16 community peacebuilding workshops conducted.
  • 2 learnings sharing seminar conducted at the district level.
  • Communication materials development and distribution


Capacity Building of Organizations through Exchange of Primary Health Care Approach


FK Norway (a Norwegian government body)


April 2016-August 2019


Mymensingh District

Goals and

The purpose of the project was exchange of innovative primary health care approaches among ASPADA Paribesh Unnayan Foundation, Bangladesh and SAHAJ Community Hospital Nepal to extend health care service for the respective target community through swapping workplace of staff members.

Brief description

It was found from the feasibility study that SAHAJ community hospital Nepal is constituted by cooperative members which is bringing a good healthcare solution for the poor people especially in the remote area of Nepal. Through partners meeting and rigorous discussion, ASPADA customized the health cooperative approach to fit with our target community needs to replicate in the Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district with the direct support of SAHAJ experienced staff. Likewise, SAHAJ community hospitals learned and replicated ASPADA’s door to door primary health care approach to strengthen the SAHAJ community hospital. Through the exchange project, ASPADA exchanged one MBBS doctor and a Nutritionist to boost up their skills and learnings on the exchangeable models in each round and SAHAJ exchanged health cooperative experts and a MBBS doctor.


  • 35 SRGs constituted and functioning. 
  • 2 SRG network formed and functioning. 
  • 1 health cooperatives constituted and functioning.
  • SRGs are operating health micro-finance.
  • SRGs members are depositing monthly savings.
  • MBBS doctors are providing curative medical services to SRGs members.
  • Health awareness-building activities going on.


Feasibility Study for health sector engagement through exchange between Bangladesh, and Nepal


FK Norway


August 2015 to July 2016.


Mymensingh District of Bangladesh and Citwan district of Nepal. 

Goals and

The purpose of the project is to conduct a feasibility study to assess the partner organization capacity to engage in the health-related project between Bangladesh, and Nepal.

Brief description

The project allows coordinating partners to physically visit partner organizations located in Nepal to assess their capacity and commitments to participate in the international exchange project on health and nutrition.  It creates opportunities for each participating organization for mutual learning to boost up organizational service delivery capacity considering the benefits of respective target communities. Also, both partners jointly develop the project application incorporating each learning and experiences.


  • Each organization representative has participated in the introduction seminar arranged by FK Norway
  • One partner meeting conducted in Citwan, Nepal
  • Prepared and submitted feasibility study activity and financial reports.


Basic Literacy Project (BLP)




July 2019 to June 2022


Trisal Upazila of Mymensingh District.

Goals and

The objective of the project is to provide non-formal education to the illiterate people living in Trishal Upazila for both males and females aged more than 15 years. 

Brief description

The project undertakes a baseline survey intensively to find the illiterate people living in the Trishal Upazila and established tutorial centers for providing non-formal education to adult people. The duration of the course is 6 months and follows the BNFE curriculum.  Throughout the Trisal Upazila it has established 320 learning centers mostly in the selected primary school for 2 shifts whereas the first shift is for male, and 2nd shift is for women. The organization has recruited 640 teachers (320 male and 320 female) to conduct class for 3 hours and 6 days a week.


  • 300 tutorial centers established, 
  • The tutorial center used in two shifts, one is for male, and another is for women. 
  • 600 teachers recruited from their own community.
  • Rented 100 tutorial centers.


Cereal System Initiatives for South Asia in Bangladesh (CSISA-BD)




October 2012 to September 2013



Goals and

The targets of the project mainly marginal, poor and women farmers to benefit them through; wider input-delivery and appropriate technology transfer; adaptive research trials for productivity enhancement of cereals, fish, legumes, and vegetables; socioeconomic and farming system analysis; capacity building and embedded information dissemination.

Brief description

The project was implemented to improve technology transfer on cereal-based cropping patterns in Bangladesh. The ASPADA were tasked with organizing local farmers in groups that served as a platform for community-based demonstration of maize, wheat, vegetables and others crops in a maize and/ or wheat-based cropping system; training on best agronomic practices and management; training on various types of agricultural machinery; and conducting farmers field day and exchange visits. Therefore, technical capacity of the targeted farmers has improved on cereal crop production which contributed to climate change adaptation.


  • Cereal based cropping pattern practiced by target farmers.
  • Target farmers were used to light agricultural machinery.
  • Improved agronomic practices enhance crop production.


Community-Based Micro-Enterprise Development and Enhancing Skills for better Utilization of Migrant’s Remittance




April 2009 to December 2010


Tangail, Gazipur and Mymensingh District

Goals and

The main objectives of the project were capacity building of remittance earners and family members aimed at better utilization of remittance by engaging in income-generating activities through facilitating entrepreneur-ship development.

Brief description

The organization has provided Business Development Service to remittance earners and remittance earners family members aim to involve into income-generating activities using remittance and increase collaterals to financial inclusions of micro-enterprises. It provided IGAs related training to 6000 remittance earner target beneficiaries with 203 batches training in the area of Mymensingh (Bhaluka, Trisal), Gazipur (Sreepur) and Tangail (Shokhipur, Ghatail and Bhuapur) districts on different module like Cow rearing, Fish culture, small scale enterprise, Beef fattening, Tailoring, Poultry and duck rearing and Agriculture. Upon completion of training, the project provides support to trainees to link with the formal banking sector for their enterprise.


The project provided training to 6000 remittance earners and its family members. Near about 200 entrepreneurs received financial support from a bank with more amounts ranging from BDT 500000 to 2000000 where ASPADA linked them with the bank and helped to increase collaterals. Another segment of service receivers, near about 150 beneficiaries, took money from other MFIs who worked in the nearby area. And the rest segment of business service receivers borrows money from ASPADA Paribesh Unnayan Foundation during the project period of about BDT 1 Crore. 


Providing Value-added information services on vegetable-focused cropping practice to farmers




September 2015 to August 2016


10 Upazilas of Gazipur, Tangail and Mymensingh districts 

Goals and

The objectives of the project are awareness and capacity building of farmers on the vegetable focused cropping pattern which developed in association with Bangladesh Agriculture University.  Also, it provides support to make available locally the quality inputs and market linkage.

Brief description

The organization conducted meetings and training with existing microfinance groups on the vegetable focused cropping pattern and improved agronomic practices of vegetable production. In association with BAU, the project develops vegetable-focused cropping patterns and printed learning materials aimed to distribute among farmers. Also, we conducted linkage building workshops with input and forward market actors for marketing of produced vegetables and market development for ensuring justified price of the produced vegetable crops.


  • 150 staff members receive ToT on vegetable-focused cropping patterns with refresher training. 
  • 9000 issue meeting conducted.
  • 12000 sharing meeting conducted in the microfinance groups.
  • 10 Upazila level workshop conducted.
  • 20 linkage building workshop conducted.
  • 2 lac learning materials developed and distributed.


Action Research on Safe Water Supply, Sanitation and Bio-gas technology for rural livelihood Improvement in Climate Victim People of Bangladesh







Goals and

Main objective of the project is to provide technology and equip-mental support to farmer’s household of climate vulnerable community as climate change adaptation option to adjust farmer’s livelihood with adverse climatic situation. analysis; capacity building and embedded information dissemination.

Brief description

The project activities comprises establishment of deep tube-well (100-150 meter cube/ hour), Overhead tank (capacity 30000 liter), subsurface irrigation channel, drinking water supply network (10000 ft), community biogas plant (capacity 83 CM), solar energy technology (510 watt)  etc as infrastructure development; and power tiller-1, weedier -8, sprayer -2, riper -1, open dram thresher -2, close dram thresher-2, power winner-1 and gas operated generator-1 as equip-mental support facilitating smooth crop cultivation. As climate change adverse impact, Project area was suffering with water level fall-down gradually results scarcity of irrigation water as well drinking water. Consequence, farm production hamper due to irrigation water scarcity, scarcity of pure drinking water, scarcity of household consumption water, scarcity of cooking fuel etc. By implementing this project 600 households getting pure drinking water supply, 200 acre of land brought under irrigation facilities round the year, 10 house hold getting cooking gas supply and solar power. In addition, the project create opportunity for the rural people engage themselves into income generation by participation in training on irrigation, drinking water, poultry and livestock rearing, compost production and packaging, biogas marketing, horticultural nursery development and food processing and preservation. In sum, the project is able to contribute improving energy efficiency, adaptation to climate change, reducing CO2 emission and improving life and livelihood of the poor and employment generation. In addition, it enhances the opportunity of income generation activities results reduce poverty and ensure sustainable community development.



Non-Formal Primary Education Program (NFPE)




January 2006-December 2011


Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh District

Goals and

To provide non-formal education to school dropout children.

Brief description

The organization established 10 NFPE schools under the BRAC education support program in a suitable place of Bhalika Upazila, where school facility was limited. We facilitate schoolhouse, hire a teacher and all education materials aim to smooth operation of schools. School dropout children, unwilling students, and children engaged in work were the students at those schools. The schoolhouses were situated nearby his house and taught by a known person with appropriate teaching materials.


Near about 1000 dropout children’s back again in mainstreaming education

About 1500 children completed their mandatory primary education.


Nursery development project


NPL/ Own fund


1993 to 2002


Trisal and Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district 

Goals and

The main objective of the project was to increase the availability of fruit, forest, and ornamental tree seedling and sapling in the local area to increase forest coverage in the private land and manage biodiversity.  

Brief description

The ASPADA mobilize community aims to be aware of the target community on the importance of forest and biodiversity and mobilize the community to an established plant nursery. Also, the project provides day to day technical support to the nursery and linkage building with input sellers. Also, the project helps in the marketing of seedlings.


38 nurseries have established and running commercially.


Year-Round Fruit Production and Introduction of Fruit Varieties.


Winrock International




Trisal and Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district

Goals and

The main objective of the project was to transfer agricultural technology through GO/NGO/private organization partnership.

Brief description

The Organization effectively took the initiatives for technology transfer on modern agricultural varieties and ASPADA established an “orchard” garden of 105 varieties in 07 villages of Bhaluka & Trisal Upazila. The species of fruits undertaken in this project are mango trees (Amropali, Gopal Bhog, Baromashi, Himsagar), Litchi trees (China-3), Baroi (Dhaka-90), Jalpai & other fruits (Banana). Under Financial Services for the Poorest (FSP) the organization has provided training and inputs to 400 people/families to promote banana garden, sugar cane production, and papaya cultivation.


  • 400 households received training and inputs on fruit tree production.
  • All beneficiaries ‘had received technical support round the year.
  • 105 orchard gardens were created with improved fruit varieties.


Forestry Sector Project






Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district 

Goals and

The main objective of the project was to increase plantation in public-private fallow/suitable land through partnership development under the social forestry program. 

Brief description

ASPADA has established a number of nurseries in which various species of timber & fruit trees are produced. The seedlings of vegetables, forest trees, and fruit trees are distributed among the community people. With the generous financial support of UNDP, ASPADA has been successfully implementing roadside tree plantation, Wood lot garden in collaboration with the Forest Department of Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh with a contract of 07 years. Since 2001 the program has been implemented effectively by the supervision of ASPADA staff.


  • 140 km different roadside plantation with 700 beneficiaries. 
  • 75 wood lot forests were created. 
  • 178 Forest management groups were formed where male 400 and female 300 beneficiaries. 
  • 1130 hectares land brought under agroforestry practices.


Promotion of integrated homestead production system for sustainable livelihoods of poor people




May 2001 to April 2003


Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district

Goals and

The main objective of the project was to promote homestead based agricultural production (vegetable, fruits, and fish) in the farmer’s household.

Brief description

The organization provides technical support to design a homestead garden which includes vegetable production using Kalkapur model of BARI, bed preparation, variety selection to ensure vegetable production around the year in 5 beds, fruit tree plantation in the suitable place of homestead, variety selection and demonstrate good agronomic practices and fish culture in the small pond. Also, the project provides training to the farmers (male and female) on homestead gardening. Initial inputs like seed, fertilizer, fish fry, fruit tree sapling, etc. also supply by the project and provide day to day technical support through agriculture graduates.


  • 500 households received training and inputs and fruit tree saplings.
  • All beneficiaries ‘had received technical support round the year.
  • 500 homestead gardens established in the target area. 


Value Chain Development Project






Trisal and Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district 

Goals and

To provide support to the value chain development of indigenous fish species aim to increase household income. 

Brief description

In the value chain development project, ASPADA worked with a polyculture of pangas and indigenous fish species in Bhaluka and Trishal Upazila of Mymensingh with the financial support of IDA/PKSF. The main objective of this project is to increase income through the implementation of modern fish culture technology. The total numbers of beneficiaries were 240 who got training on modern technology of polyculture and received input support.


240 beneficiaries were received technical support and improved inputs aim to indigenous fish species culture.


Soybean Seed Production and Distribution






Mymensingh district 

Goals and

The main objective of the project was to the production of Soybean seed and distribution among farmers aimed at crop diversification. 

Brief description

The Organization effectively took the initiatives for soybean seed production. ASPADA provided technical support to ensure the best agronomic practice, training on improved production technology and supervision of activities done by farmers. Harvesting technology and post-harvest management also demonstrated by the project. We facilitate the marketing and distribution of produced seeds.


About 2200 acres were brought under soybean during the last three years. Four thousand beneficiaries participated in the agriculture technology transfer project and 7 local organizations of Mymensingh, Tangail, and Gazipur received quality seeds from ASPADA for distributing among their grassroots target beneficiaries.


Financial Service for the poorest




July 2002 to December 2005


Mymensingh district 

Goals and

The main objective of the project was to uplift selected ultra-poor families by engaging them in productive activities and IGAs based life skills development from extreme poverty. 

Brief description

The project supported by the World Bank in association with PKSF, under this project 5000 hardcore poor who have below 50 Dec. land as a net family asset including homestead has uplifted through knowledge and life skills-building activities (IGAs).


900 widows women have received training on sewing and sewing machine with 5000 to 10,000 credit support; 480 young girls from poorest target families have gotten training and job placement support in the readymade garments; 1100 families received vegetable (banana, papaya, Aram, sugarcane, eggplant, gourd, etc.) cultivation training and a piece of rental land that arranged by the project; 40 beneficiaries got mason training to increase availability of sanitation materials, pillar, livestock food bucket; 1500 families got livestock (cow, goat, poultry, beef fattening, etc.) rearing training with capital support; 900 rickshaw and van puller got own new transport for enhancing household income. In addition, the project motivated 80 beggars to aim to involve them into alternative income generation through peddling and give them 2000 taka to purchase goods for peddling, however, 28 beggars flew from their area because they are interested in begging only. Noted that the young girl who received training and job placement, they have no workable cloths to participate in the training and job, as a result, ASPADA gift them new clothes for continuing her job.
