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Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC)
January 2022 to March 2025
Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh District.
Goals and
The purpose of the project is to enhance nutritional security including good health practice promotion aimed to improve health seeking behavior of vulnerable communities. Also, capacity building of young professionals through swapping their workplace with partner organizations located in India, Cambodia, and Bangladesh.
Brief description
The coronavirus pandemic demonstrates the necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. However, the participating countries have been struggling from a similar problem to an aware mass population on dietary requirements to maintain a healthy lifestyle especially to the poor. Therefore, the partnership planned to swap young professionals among partner’s aims to escalate the internal competencies on nutrition and health care to ensure good health of the target population of PAHAL, KrY and ASPADA in respective country settings. The internal competency comprises approach, tools, skills, and practice of participating countries which we intend to exchange through this collaboration project.
June 2023 to April 2024
Sadar, Gofforgoan, and Fulbaria Upazila of Mymensingh District.
Goals and
The objective of the PRISE project is to vocational skills building of poor youths who drop out from school recently, aged between 18-25 years on locally demandable vocational trades. Also, the project arranges job placement (70%) or self-employment (30%) for all apprentices.
Brief description
The project has been implementing activities targeting vocational skills building of poor youth girls who drop out from school through the Ostad-Sagrat model. It selected 150 young girls aged between 18-25 years and engaged them with MCPs for their hands-on skill building training. It has conducted local area surveys to select apprentices and Master craft person (MCPs) and link them as Ostad and Sagrat for 6-month duration hands on training on the particular trades that have market demands. End of the training the project will support trainees for job placement at least 70% and the remaining 30% will be entrepreneurs with the capital support of the organization. In sum, the project is deploying efforts to improve employable skills of destitute young girls and engaging them into work for income generation.
World Bank, AIIB and PKSF
July 2022 to June 2026
Bhaluka, Trisal, Fulbaria, Gouripur and Muktagacha Upazilas of Mymensingh district.
Goals and
The goal of the project is to improve the rural WASH scenario by capacity building of local entrepreneurs and contraction of WASH facilities.
Brief description
The project Bangladesh Rural Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Human Capital Development, co-financed by the Government of Bangladesh, the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), with the aims of improving access to safely managed water supply and sanitation in selected areas of Mymensingh district and strengthen institutional capacity for water and sanitation services. It has been facilitating household water loans, sanitation and hygiene loans, and local entrepreneur loans for increasing sanitation material availability locally. Also, local entrepreneurs are receiving proper training and other assistance for constructing hygienic toilets and safely managed WASH facilities at the household level and promotes twin pit toilets throughout the target areas including mass awareness raising.
Donor and Buro Bangladesh
July 2023 to April 2024
Fulbaria, Gouripur, Bhaluka Upazila of Mymensingh district; Sonargoan, Rupgonj and Bandor upazila of Narayangonj district; Monohardi upazila of Narsigndi district and Kotiadi upazila of Kishorgonj district.
Goals and
The objective of the project is to design WASH loan product to facilitate WAHS needs of target community including institutional capacity building.
Brief description
Considering the climate change and WASH scenario in the rural and urban culture of Bangladesh, it is assumed that in the long run people will suffer from the water product such as pure drinking water, sanitation facility, hygiene facility which are the impediment of human capital development. Therefore, the organization has been implementing projects with the support of Buro Bangladesh and to capacity building of microfinance staff to enable them for designing new water loan products and facilitate them among the borrowers. It is working for both side demand creation and loan disbursement.
Ministry of Labor, GOB
November 2021 to December 2023
Mymensingh City Corporation.
Goals and
The objective of the project is to eradicate hazardous child labor from the targeted area by providing them non-formal education and skill building training to ensure decent work for all.
Brief description
The project has conducted a baseline survey in the targeted Mymensingh city corporation area to find child labor in the 38 selected hazardous sectors/small industries. It selected 892 child labor who working in the hazardous sector and established 36 schools in the city corporation area for 6 months to teach them fundamental education. At the end of non-formal education, it rearranges learners among 45 skill building training centers for boosting their skills in the preferable trades. The project arrange skill building training on tailoring and dress making, beauty parlor/beautification, block-boutique printing and embroidery, radio and tv mechanic, woodwork and cycle-rickshaw repairing etc. After evaluation, the project provides support to get safe employment and entrepreneurship development.
The project provided skills building training and non-formal education (NFE) to 892 learners (age group 10-18 yrs.). For non-formal education it maintained 36 schools and for skills building training 45 schools in the Mymensingh city corporation area. It also provided support to job placement and entrepreneurship development.
PKSF and own fund
2014 to continue.
Hobirbari Union of Bhaluka Upazila under Mymensingh District.
Goals and
The goal of the project is to ensure good health, nutrition, and education through awareness building of the target community.
Brief description
The project has been specially designed and being implemented to expand the household resources and human capabilities for integrated household-based development. The health component of this project deliberate door to door primary health care service, static clinic, satellite clinic, and referral services. The nutrition component also ensures advisory service and awareness building among the target population. In addition, to enhance the capability of human resource establish 28 tutorial centers aim to protect school dropouts and enabling good education.
ASPADA’s Own Fund
Mymensingh and Dhaka division
Goals and
The main purpose of this project is to foster talent to create a vibrant and humane civil society through providing educational expansion of ultra-poor brilliant students to prevent stopping education due to the financial crisis.
Brief description
ASPADA Paribesh Unnayan Foundation corroborates the poor brilliant students to facilitate education through long term scholarship from its own fund. It provides all educational expenditure in different levels of students including school, college, general and technical universities like engineering, medical and agricultural education under this program. At the beginning of the month, 317 students received allocated funds through bank transactions aimed to smooth continuation of his education in the reputed institutions. It’s a continuous process, in every month new entities include or exclude the completed students without any refund or any other conditions. This is an absolute philanthropy activity the organization has been performing with the whim of esteemed founder and executive director Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid.
317 students at the school, college, university level is getting scholarship from ASPADA.
Rural Development Academy (RDA)
Continuous from 2012
Jamalpur District
Goals and
The main objective of the project is livelihood improvement for climate victim people through RDA-developed water management technology.
Brief description
Training is one of the components of a project. There was a provision for providing training to the project beneficiaries to make them skilled in their field of interest and improvement of their socio-economic level. Through installation of deep tube-wells we brought vast crop lands under irrigation facilities so that they could cultivate field crops including vegetables round the year. It also encouraged farmers’ households to establish biogas plants, improve stove, livestock farming using environment friendly technology developed by RDA.