What We Do

Adaptation & Mitigation to Climate Change

ASPADA has been facilitating community in climate change adaptation to the changed situation of
the natural resource bases (forest, farmlands, wetlands) upon where they are dependent for their
livelihoods. As part of the process, ASPADA is involved in adaptation to extreme natural calamities
(i.e., inundation, drought, pollution), and hence improved livelihoods of the community by
promoting on-farm & off-farm activities.

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Enhanced Nutritional Security through Reciprocity (ENSR) project
Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC)
Bhaluka, Mymensingh
January 2022 to February 2025
Eradication of Hazardous Child Labor in Bangladesh
Ministry of Labor, GOB
Mymensingh City Corporation
November 2021 to December 2023
ENRICH (Health, Nutrition, sanitation, and Education)
Hobbirbari union, Bhaluka, Mymensingh
July 2014 to continuous
BD Rural WASH for Human Capital Development Project
Bhaluka, Trisal, Fulbaria, Gouripur and Muktagacha Upazilas of Mymensingh district
July 2022 to June 2026

Partnership Reinforcement
for Integrated Skills Enhancement (PRISE)

Sadar, Fulbaria and Gophorgoan Upazila of Mymensingh District
June 2023 to April 2024
Training Building Capacity to Integrate Smaller Microfinance Partners through BURO project
Water.org/ BURO

Bulgaria, Gouripur, Bhaluka
Upazila of Mymensingh
district; Sonargoan, Rupgonj
and Bandor upazila of
Narayangonj district;
Monohardi upazila of
Narsigndi district and
Kotiadi upazila of Kishorgonj

July 2023 to April 2024
VGD Life Skill Development Project
Monohardi, Narsigndi and Kapasia, Gazipur
July 2021- June 2023
Safe Water Supply, Sanitation and Biogas technology for rural livelihood Improvement in Climate Victim People of Bangladesh
Rural Development Academy, Bagura
Jamalpur and Gazipur


Scholarship program for ultra-poor brilliant students
Organization own fund
Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Gazipur, Tangail, and Netrokona
Ongoing from 2008
ASPADA Training academy-1
Organization own fund
Digharkanda Bypass, Sadar, Mymensingh
Ongoing from 2010
ASPADA Training academy-2
Organization own fund
University Bypass, Naodhor, Trishal, Mymensingh
Ongoing from 2011
Microfinance program (Rural/ Urban/Enterprise/ MFMSF/EFRRAP/ Agriculture/Seasonal)
IFAD, WB, PKSF and banks
Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Netrokona, Gazipur, Tangail, Dhaka, Narsigndi, Narayangonj and Kishorgonj.
Ongoing from 1997

Major Clients and Partners

  • Clients and Donors: FK Norway, NOREC, USAID/CIMMYT, DFID, Democracy International (DI), WINROCK International, IFAD, World Bank, BRAC, PROHIKA, NAPL, PKSF, Department of Forest (FD), MoEF, Ministry of Labor, DWA, DoF, DPHE, Bangladesh Agriculture University, BARI, BRRI, DAE, ACI agro and other international and national agencies.
  • Partners: Training partner of BNF (Bangladesh NGO Foundation), ERF partner of UNDP, Training partner of SDF.
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General Administration:

The Executive Director is the Chief Executive of the organization and is responsible for the overall administration of the organization. He is accountable to the Executive Committee and executes projects and programs by a number of programs and administrative staff, workers and professionals.
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