About Us

ASPADA Paribesh Unnayan Foundation

ASPADA (Agroforestry Seed Production and Development Association) Paribesh Unnayan Foundation was established in the year 1993 by a group of young men and women aimed at helping the poor and underprivileged peoples of the society to improve their overall socio-economic status. It is founded on a set of beliefs consuming the basic problems of the rural people like-illiteracy, poor health, unemployment, oppression/civic inertia & environmental hazards.
The vision of the ASPADA Paribesh Unnayan Foundation is to improve the socio-economic status of the poor target families. Create the scope of employment for both poor men and women to maintain a sustainable standard of living.
The mission of ASPADA Paribesh Unnayan Foundation is capacity building of poor families to change their economic and social status in the society through the development of agro-based livelihood and income generation activities, primary health care education, disaster mitigation and management, through their empowerment, self-reliance, and improvement of lifestyle by its endeavor for sustainable development.
Improve the overall socio-economic condition of the target people through institution building, utilizing unused community infrastructures and by improving skills starting IGAs, Management capabilities.
Normally, the organization works through a group approach. Organize the target people into groups and reach supports and services to the individual members through the groups.
  • • The organization works as on animator, stimulator, and cooperator in the process of development
    and improvement of the situation of the target peoples. The organization’s intervention supports
    and services are guided on the principle “build on what they have and people themselves build
    their own fortunes.
  •  The organization works both in the urban and rural communities.
  • The poor and underprivileged peoples are the target peoples of the organization.
  • The development need comes from the beneficiaries and thus the organization’s programs are
    the need basis of the beneficiaries.
  • Sustainability and self-sufficiency are given priority in the programs.
  • People’s participation in the programs is considered as very much important.

ASPADA keeps active co-operation and association with national and international organizations
working in the development sector. It also keeps close attachment with the mainstream sustainable
human development efforts in Bangladesh. ASPADA has partnerships and membership with some
Forums and Associations. Among them the followings are worth mentioning:

Major Clients and Partners

  • Clients and Donors: FK Norway, NOREC, USAID/CIMMYT, DFID, Democracy International (DI), WINROCK International, IFAD, World Bank, BRAC, PROHIKA, NAPL, PKSF, Department of Forest (FD), MoEF, Ministry of Labor, DWA, DoF, DPHE, Bangladesh Agriculture University, BARI, BRRI, DAE, ACI agro and other international and national agencies.
  • Partners: Training partner of BNF (Bangladesh NGO Foundation), ERF partner of UNDP, Training partner of SDF.

ASPADA Paribesh Unnayan Foundation is democratic in nature as per approved constitutions of the
organization. The organization has the following three principal management organs:

General Body
Executive Committee
General administration